Community supported agriculture (CSA)

We're proud to produce nutritious crops for our local community. By purchasing a share of our subscription-based model you can enjoy delicious produce throughout the 2024 season.

What is a CSA?

It is our way to connect directly with families within our local community who yearn for healthy food. We trade up-front payments for weekly, seasonal produce.

  • Our crops are loved. They receive local compost and fertilizers, no chemicals, and are hand picked. We provide produce that was harvested that morning.

  • Know your farmer, you need food three times a day. Know and trust your source of nutrition instead of wondering about store produce from out of state or country.

  • A subscription based model helps provide financial security through the season

What you get with a CSA share:

  • A seasonal rotation of 7-8 vegetables, fruits, and herbs

  • Sunday afternoon pick up each week at one location in Medford and one location in Ashland

  • June 16th - November 16th

Join our CSA!

our minds and bodies work best with fresh, chemical free, and nutrient-dense food.